Graduation Project
Packaging design, visual identity, layout, book binding 

Brief: This project was based on the issue with men's use of violence. I wanted to create something that works as a prevention, instead of dealing with violence after it has already happend. I based my work on the dissertation I wrote for my Bachelor's Degree, where there is a conclusion that the most effective way to prevent violence from men is to change stereotypes regarding masculinity and gender. 
From this I wanted to create a platform and brand that believe no boy or man is born violent. I wanted to show that men can be something else, and that boys are not doomed to a life of violence or hardship, but a life of kindness of others and of their selves and a brand that allows boys to be whatever they want to be. What is not allowed is violence. 
And BOYLIFE was born. BOYLIFE is a clothing brand as well as a platform and a statement. There are clothes within different collections with a packaging that i created for the clothes. With this there is the BOYLIFE PAPER, which is a magazine that hightlights stories from boys and men in different shape or forms. There is also an instagram, a podcast and a vision of collaborations with bigger brands like footballteams, other clothing brands, male influencers and so on. 
The first issue of BOYLIFE PAPER is focused and based on the collection of KIND BOY LIVES HERE. The magazine tells the story of the collection in four sections that the collections consists of: Safe place, It's Alright, Anything goes and Kind boy lives here. the magazines is focused on stories and texts from boys in different forms and shapes. 
With each new collection, there will be a new edition of the magazine. 
The first collection of BOYLIFE is called KIND BOY LIVES HERE. The collection is based on "luffartecken" or hobo-signs, a language based on symbols that would be used between hobos or hikers. I have chosen the symbols for Safe place, kind man lives here, It's alright/okay and Anything Goes. Theese symbols along with the meaning are going to be used on clothes, as a symbol and a statement. The symbols are lowkey and not over the top, and is a way of communicating to the world what you stand for in a simple way. I redid theese symbols with the colours of the brand and printed it on different clothes. 

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